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BOTRAN 8 ANOS - Rum Review

Can younger brothers be better than their older siblings?

Pacaya Volcano in Guatemala

Although I had now left Guatemala behind I had decided to take a little piece (or rather sip) of it with me. Having tried the Botran 12 and not been too impressed I wanted to give its younger brother, the Botran 8 a go.

The Botran 8 is also made with sugar cane honey instead of molasses and is aged through the Solera aging system. The age range for the 8 is between 5 to 14 years and is aged in a combination of whisky, sherry and port barrels

It's an 40% (80proof) rum and comes in a handy 500ml bottle. Looking around the shops in Central America this seems to be a common handy size which I like to be honest. It makes it much more affordable to try more of the local rums.

The bottle looks cool! It's a simple design and shape but has clear, strong branding with a standout teal top and well designed emblem at the bottom. The cork opens with a puppy dog light 'pop'.

Smell: You get an initial woody smell coming through before the rum comes to life. Dark honey, sweet molasses and clementines follow.

Appearance: Honeycomb amber colour with light legs.

Taste: It's a very sharp, peppery rum with a burn that builds and lingers on the pallet. Oak is the predominant flavour that comes through strongly followed by a light sweetness.

Rating: 2/5... Sorry, I really wanted to like this rum.

Check out the Botran 12 Años Rum Review to see how the older brother faired.


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