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From dairy to distillery. Enjoy Scotland's take on making rum.

When you think of Scotland there are a variety of images that come to mind. Questionable weather, tartan kilts, haggis, red cheddar, Glasgow Arches, fantastic cocktail bars in Edinburgh.... I could go on. When refining the criteria to alcohol I would argue 99% of people would say Whisky (without the "e").

So what about the 1%? Well, Dr. Kit Carruthers, along with the growing handful of British distilleries, is trying his hand at making the delicious molasses based spirit we love to call RUM!

The Ninefold distillery is based high up in Dumfries & Galloway. This is dairy county at its finest and home to Stranraer Creamery which makes Seriously Strong Cheddar and Scotland's leading cheddar - Galloway. I know because I worked for them.

But with the EU dairy laws having changed almost a decade ago, money isn't the same. Perfect excuse to convert a dairy farm into a rum distillery!

Ninefolds currently makes unaged rum, taking molasses from North Africa and distilling in a traditional 'double pot still' in small batches. The resulting clear rum is beautifully bottled with Carruthers' family crest donned on the front. An orange winged angel which when facing the light delivers an awesome angel shadow.

The cork goes with a high, loud pop as expected from a product from Scotland. Time for a closer look!

Smell: Really fruity and aromatic smell. Luscious sweet treacle and citrus coming through.

Appearance: Well as expected it's clear with an ever so slightly noticeable legs.

Taste: This rum is surprisingly light and smooth for an unaged rum as you slurp away with a peppery after finish.

Rating: 4/5... A great first step for Scottish Rum.

Make a Scottish twist on a Mojito by replacing mint with sage, try a twist with this Cheeky Tiki Bramble or get yourself up to the highlands and try neat in the Ninefolds distillery as they do tours.


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